While accepting an offer is an exciting feeling, declining an offer can be a bit less fun. Declining an offer is excellent opportunity to build your personal brand and maintain relationships with the people in the organisation.

Here are a few tips to take into consideration when taking your next steps:

Ensure you speak to your consultant, be honest and explain why you are declining the offer. You may decide to decline an offer because the organisation said the offer is non-negotiable. If this is the case, discuss with your recruiter and ask them advice.


Making the right decision

Once you have made up your mind to resign, your most urgent task is to inform your manager.

Remember – in small doses, a touch of sentiment can go a long way.

However it plays out, you must realise that on the whole there will be no going back. Once you’ve quit you won’t be able to change your mind and it could mean you have to leave the office straight away – make sure you are prepared in case you are put on gardening leave with immediate effect.


What is most important to you when accepting a new role?

Counter-offers can take many forms: an increase in salary, additional company benefits, a sought-after promotion or new job title, additional responsibility, a change in role, more involvement in projects that interest you – or any combination of these.

Why you should stand your ground

There is rarely a good reason to accept a counter offer and stay where you are. You wanted to move, you’ve been through the recruitment process, you’ve been successful and you have scored a job that meets your criteria.

Think about these factors:

Do not let an unexpected counter offer stop you in your tracks. Thank your employer for the opportunity and reaffirm your intention to leave.

However, should you decide not to leave for pastures new, be aware that your resignation has not been forgotten. You are going to have to work extremely hard to win back your employer’s trust. You might have to strive harder than your colleagues to prove your loyalty and worthiness as a long-term prospect.


How to negotiate your next salary review:


Get in touch before you start Congratulations, you got the job – but you may have to wait a month or more, while you work your notice period, before you actually start. You may want to keep in touch with your new employer during this time. They may even invite you to the office or for a team drink to meet your future colleagues. If so, make an effort to put in an appearance. Arrive early and well presented Treat your first day almost like the interview. Prove to your new boss they made the right decision and present yourself as professional, personable and knowledgeable.

Remember people’s names

Map out a seating plan and put people’s names in the various positions. Also make a note of the name of anyone you will have regular contact with such as the receptionist. Greet people by name and use their names when conversing to help embed this information. You will be rapport building at the same time – extra bonus.

Ask your boss insightful questions

This is an extension of a first impression so stick to business subjects. Your peers, teams or support staff will be able to point out the coffee machine.

Listen, listen, listen

In the early stages you should be listening a lot more than talking. Make good quality notes to make the tasks easier – there will be a lot of information to learn in a short space of time.

Keep focused on what’s important

Keep your job description handy and review it as you are getting up to speed. Reflect on how what you are learning ties to what is expected of you and how you will achieve success.

Don’t try to change the world on your first day

You may be managing people or have been hired to change an existing process or culture. Remember to pay due respect to the people and business by understanding how and why things have been done before you start making major changes.

Call your recruiter to let them know how it went

It’s important to share any questions you may have at this early stage and your consultant is best placed to find out information on your behalf.

Are you having second thoughts?

If, on the first day, you feel that you have made a mistake or that you just won’t gel with your new colleagues, don’t panic. It often takes time to settle into a new organisation and many people have initial reservations, which they quickly overcome. Before you raise any concerns with your manager, you should complete at least one full week, preferably two.


Find a mentor

Find a mentor who can help you feel settled quickly. A mentor is more of a guide than a teacher. Make use of their knowledge, and in return offer whatever wisdom you may have acquired from your previous role.

Building a relationship with your mentor will help you become accustomed to, and understand the company culture and personality. Their expertise will be invaluable as you integrate into the team.

Get involved

Getting involved is a great way to endear your colleagues to you by showing that you’re a team player. Attend as many social events as possible as this is a perfect way to meet some of the biggest personalities in your new office. Whether that be the office five-a-side team, after-work socials or food clubs.

Build relationships

By your first week you should find out which of your colleagues you will be working more closely with. So, spend extra time getting to know them. Ask them lots of questions to better understand their interests and hobbies. Finding something in common with each of your colleagues is a good way to build individual bonds and essentially improve the way you work together.

Being approachable is also a fundamental part of building strong relationships. More people will come and introduce themselves if you portray a positive vibe.

Ensure you build strong relationships with all the people who will help you to do your job well; remember this is not just your immediate team but could be anyone from the sales manager to the boss’ PA.

Embrace change

It’s very easy when starting a new job to criticise practices that you aren’t used to. However, no one wants to hear about how much better your old job was.

Try to bring solutions instead of criticism. Adapt yourself to your new team’s way of doing things instead of expecting them to adjust to yours. This advice applies from small things such as booking a meeting room to embracing the wider ethos of the company.

What can you add?

All teams have strengths and weaknesses. Being able to show you are adding value to the team is vital to integrating swiftly, so take time to work out what your colleagues are great at and then where your strengths could be best applied. The easiest way to earn your colleagues respect is always to be good at your job and lead by example.