Your CV it must display your experience, qualities and skills in a short period of time.
Before you start, choose the right structure for your CV.
The most important information, such as your key skills and recent experience, needs to be near the top, where it can be seen straight away.
1. Keep is short and sweet
Your CV must display your skills and qualities, think about it like a shop window that makes you buy, but in this case is about your work skills and experience.
2. Make it look good
Chose the right structure, the most important information it has to be upfront, don’t think that the employer will have the time to read all your information, he will select the most important skills and qualities in a very short period of time.
3. Most recent experience first
Start with what happened in your carrier recently and then go along.
4. Be accurate
Always check for errors, run a spelling and grammar check and ask someone else to read it for you.
5. Send a covering letter
This should highlight the two or three areas of experience from your CV that are most relevant to the job. Never send your CV out on its own, only if the advert tells you that a covering letter is NOT necessary.
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